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Monday, July 18, 2022

Episode IV: A New Hope - Light Saber Duel Remake

On this, the seventh anniversary of Freedom Day, I want to share some Star Wars Episode IV love. 

George Lucas has made many edits and re-edits of the the original Star Wars trilogy, and nearly of them I would happily do without...

Of course Han shot first; he didn't want to get killed!  

But the best revision to the original Star Wars movie in my humble opinion wasn't made by Disney or by George Lucas, it was FXitinPost's Star Wars: SC 38 – Reimagined, the 2019 fan remake of the 38th scene in Star Wars (1977), of Obi-Wan and Vader in their lightsaber duel on the Death Star. 


                                                                                                        Playback is best on Full screen 

My fave part of this scene is when the red and blue lightsabers are reflected in Vader's eyes, symbolizing of course Anakin's internal strife between the light and the dark sides of the Force...

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